Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ozzy James

Emily started getting contractions late Thursday, December 17th.  We ended up heading to the hospital around midnight.  Contractions were 5 minutes apart but not nearly as severe as with Owen.  In the morning there were discussions about sending us home because she wasn't dilated anymore than when we arrived.....however shortly after those discussions.....she was dilated another cm so she could officially be categorized as "in labor"
There was one scary moment when our nurse couldn't get a heartbeat reading.  All of a sudden 10 nurses flooded our room to help the situation.  They told us not to worry but anytime something goes a little awry they give the situation all of their attention.  It turned out to be of no concern and they got a reading on the heart fairly quickly.
Shortly after that, the real labor began.  Once again I was told to "grab a leg".  This was much quicker than with Owen's birth.  Ozzy came into this world at 1:04 pm.  He looked great.  (One other fairly scary thing (that I doubt Emily knows/remembers) is that when Ozzy's head came out the umbilical cord was loosely around his neck so before the doctor continued...she unwrapped it from his head.  All was fine.  There were no problems.).

Here are a few of his first pics:

1st Pic of Ozzy

Awkward photo of Ozzy where nurse is holding him up

Resting on Mommy for 1st time

Dad finally gets a turn

Owen meeting his brother for 1st time

Ozzy James