Monday, May 19, 2014

Inside the Actors's Studio

For a brief period of time, several years ago, I was obsessed with the show "Inside the Actor's Studio".  For those of you who don't know, it is a show where the host (James Lipton) would interview a subject (usually 1 on 1, but sometimes in the cast of Everybody Loves Raymond) who is a famous actor or director. 

The show is fairly boring as he traces the actor's career step by step and making each movie the actor was in seem like Gone with the Wind. 

Inevitably, close to the end of the show, Lipton would ask each subject the same questionnaire (designed by his mentor Bernard Pivot).  It was 10 questions and here they are:

  1. What is your favorite word?
  2. What is your least favorite word?
  3. What turns you on?
  4. What turns you off?
  5. What sound or noise do you love?
  6. What sound or noise do you hate?
  7. What is your favorite curse word?
  8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
  9. What profession would you not like to do?
  10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
I'm sure each actor/director had prepared for each of these questions beforehand, but nevertheless it was interesting to hear their answers. 

However, I hated it when the subject would answer Question # 5 with the patented answer "My child's laugh".  It just didn't seem very imaginitive to me....and many of the people would say that same answer. 

My opinion changed, however, after I had Owen. 

Hearing his laugh makes my day.  I love to try to make him laugh, giggle, or even crack a little smile. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

More Randoms

Our little engineer in training
Cuddling with Daddy
Mall Cars
Reading books at the library
Fun in the tube
14.3 years and counting before this nightmare comes true
Went to a dog show at the library. 
Wasn't quite sure about meeting them up close
Pointing at the teal at the zoo
Riding the plaster cow

First Step to Potty Training

Before I start with what happened tonight, I feel like I need to update everyone on Owen's behavior toward his changing table. 

Several months ago, Owen's attitude towards his changing table changed.....well not for me.....just for Emily.  He decided that he would no longer allow Emily change him on the changing table, so Emily had to make do with anything else.  Sometimes she would change him while he stood up, or lying on the floor, or on the couch.....anywhere but the changing table.  If she tried to change him on the changing table, he would freak out.  He would kick his legs, try to turn over, and try to stand up.  There was no peaceful changing table experience......(for Emily).And to Emily's bewilderment/amazement/confusion/frustration, Owen would have absolutely no reaction if I changed him on the changing table.  I would just take Owen in his room, lay him on the changing table and begin changing him.....all while he lie perfectly still....sometimes even giggling.  Emily would peek in in amazement sometimes and ask me sincerely, "What do you do?"  I really didn't do anything differently that I could tell.  He just was that way.  (That isn't to say that EVERY time was perfect for me....It wasn't, but the majority of times followed that suit.)

Today, however, Owen did something for the very 1st time ever. 

After dinner, I cleaned Owen up and put him down so he could play.  I sat on the couch after I finished cleaning the dishes.  Owen came up to me and grabbed my hand/finger.  (He'll do this every now and then to take me somewhere.....and sometimes nowhere.)  He led me into his bedroom and with his other hand (not holding my finger) opened the drawer of the changing table.  (This is where we keep his wipes and other stuff for changing his diapers.)  I found it a little odd because he's never led me to that area before and given his history with the changing table it was surprising that he wanted to take me there.  I decided to check his bottom and sure enough he had a surprise for me there.  I picked him up and he laid down and waited patiently for me to change his diaper. 

I believe that he felt what was in his pants and wanted it to be changed.  This was a 1st for him and I see it as a 1st step to potty training.  (Realistically won't be for a few more months, but at least it's a step.)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Physical Emotion

I wouldn't say that I am a very emotional guy.  In fact, it is difficult for me to understand really understand someone who lives their life by emotions.  I think Emily would agree that I don't have too many really highs and really lows. 

I'm not sure why I'm like this.  I'm not sure if this is something that I was born with or if this is something that I learned to adapt to pain.  Either way, it takes a great deal....or hitting the right nerve for me to "feel" something greatly. 

I can remember 3 times specifically that emotion has hit me so hard that I felt it in a physical way.

  1. When I got married, I remember staring at Emily during our vows and feeling my throat have a lump in it and a tingle through my body due to the love that I felt and maybe the magnitude of this decision.
  2. At our reception, we had so many out of state friends show up with very little notice as well as my mom and all of my siblings (which is very rare to have them all in 1 room).  I think because of their generosity and love that they showed by coming, I was reallly overwhelmed when I tried to thank everyone.
  3. When Owen was born, I went from shock & awe at the miracle of birth to a little worry when the doctors came around to look at his breathing to elation when I held him for the 1st time.  I could feel it all over my body the joy that I was experiencing.

I say all of that to state that something has changed in me.  Now, all I need to do is think about that little guy or see a picture of him or have him say "Daddy" and run to my open arms and I can just feel the warmth of joy spread through my body.  Normally your heart is something that you can never feel but just know that it is working and doing its job, but in those times I think I can feel my heart literally and I find myself struggling to keep the emotions from pouring out through my tear ducts.  Even as I write this, just thinking of him, I feel it in my throat.  He is such a joy with his constant smile and personality. 

I thought I'd go back and show several pics of the dude that warm my heart:

Smiling even with a hand in his mouth
Right beside Dad
How did he get mixed in with the laundry?
Greatest onesie of all time
How this pic isn't framed and on everyone's desk is beyond me
Can't be too angry when he's this cute
Does it get cuter than this pic?  I defy you to prove otherwise.
Love taking my Dude to the zoo