Friday, March 30, 2012

I Felt Him Move

Out little guy is pretty active now.  Em is always talking about him moving around and kicking.  I took this video of Em when she fell asleep in the chair.  I found it pretty entertaining.  Enjoy!

As you probably figured out, that wasn't Em......but how else was I going to get you to watch the clip?  If D'Qwell is moving this much at 24 weeks......then by 34 weeks he just might be as active as the baby in the clip.  We can only hope. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

24 Weeks

Start of the 3rd trimester.....this is really going fast.

I think she's starting to show.  (Don't tell her that I said that.)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Last One......I Promise

I know you all are going to kill me (or should I say "both" of my readers will kill me), but I saw this picture and I had to post it.  I know you are probably getting sick of seeing these pregnancy photos, but I can't get enough of them.  (Instead of getting upset with me for posting these photos, you really should be thanking me for the ones I haven't posted.....and there have been some doozies.) 

This one was not from Awkward Family  Instead it was on a website that dedicates itself to making fun of "professional" photographers.....or as they say on the website "fauxtographers".  We all have a cousin, sibling, or someone you graduated with that bought an SLR camera and a cheap version of Photoshop and now list themselves as "photographer" on their resume.  This website takes these fauxtographers and makes fun of their work.  It's a great just needs to be updated more often.  The website is You Are Not A

Below is the pic.  Be sure to tell me your thoughts.

Here is the caption that the website wrote for the above picture:

The font says 1990s gansta. The large belly in the middle of the photo looks like a beer belly to me. She’s carrying a gangsta in her beer belly, only explanation I can come up with.


Monday, March 19, 2012

23 Weeks

Well the site thinks they are out smarting me now.  Instead of comparing my unborn child size in inches with fruit (or other food), they have instead switched gears.  Now they are saying that Baby D'Qwell weighs the same as a "large mango". 

They think they out smarted me.  They think that I am above going to a grocery store and averaging the weight of every mango they have in stock.  They don't know who they are dealing with.  (But they're right.)  Taking a tape measure into a grocery store is one thing.....taking a scale is another.  I have my limits.  I'm taking their word on the fact that a "large" mango is approximately 1 pound....which is roughly the same weight as my boy. 

However, they don't know how my mind works.  They don't know that when they said "large mango", my mind didn't go directly to the fruit that grows on trees.  No.  That would be too easy.....and normal.  Instead my mind goes directly back to my avid SNL viewing days. 

Emily has some serious problems if this is the "Mango" in her belly.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

And So It Begins....

The "cool" clothes are starting to be bought.  I am not above indoctrinating young....when they are most impressionable. 

I finally understand why women love to dress up babies.  If I could dress my kid like this everyday.....I wouldn't stop shopping. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Back by Popular Demand

You wouldn't have thought so, but it's true.  I received a lot of requests for more of these Awkward Family's pregnancy photos.  You gotta love them.

If I was technologically literate I would even set up a poll on this blog for everyone to vote for the one that Emily should have done. 

So without further you go:

I wish I was a fly on the wall during the conversation where this idea was thought of as a good idea.
For all you Harry Potter fans out there

Who hasn't thought of painting their belly like a moose?

Creepy McCreeperstein

"OK, If I have to be in the photo with you.....then I'm doing it my way."

So many questions....

The secret to an easy pregnancy is her comfortability

I'm sure this was a great "idea" in theory, but the application of the idea could not have gone worse (unless they were going for the popular "nursing 4 kids at once as if you were a farm animal" look.

I just have to ask.  Why is there a tire in the picture?

Creepy Guy in a field of flowers

Nothing says romantic like making out in a swamp

I'm sure hockey was on the list of acceptable activities to do while you're pregnant.

We're having a baby, and I can still draw like one too.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Prego Brain

Em sent me this picture:

With this explanation:

"I have preggo brain; just found my pop f/ yesterday in the cupboard;)"

To further clarify the situation, you need to understand our house least a little bit. 

The picture below shows where Em placed her pop......and just how close she actually made it to the refrigerator (if that was really her intended target). 

So close........but yet sooo far.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pre-Mom of the Year

This blog was initially intended as an outlet for me to share my thoughts and feelings about this new experience that Em and I are going through.  Every post has been my honest feelings, thoughts, or reactions.  They may have had a hint of sarcasm or humor thrown in for good measure, but they were honest feelings.  I say all that as a reminder that this post is the honest feelings.

If being a mom has anything to do with the preparations a woman goes through before they give birth, Em will be a world class question. 

She has been absolutely amazing.  She is so excited about this little boy, one can't help but explode with emotion just being around her.  (Not that I'm not excited too.)

Here are just a few of the things (that I'm aware of) that she has been doing to be prepared for her job as a mom. 

She has read no fewer than 15-20 books on parenting, early childhood development, being a mommy, etc....  I swear I think the library just automatically holds any books that they might get in that subject for her.  (And it doesn't look like she is slowing down with how many books she intends to read.)

I recently purchased 5 soft-cover classic children's books (Jack and the Beanstalk, The 3 Bears, etc...) on Groupon.  She was excited because she had been reading children't books to our boy for a while now, and she wanted more variety.  (I'm sure she got the idea from something she read.) 

She has her doctor on speed dial.  (Let's just leave it at that.)  She is comforted to find out that anything "out of the ordinary" "perfectly normal".

She either copies pages, ear marks, or book marks any book, magazine, or article that has to do with dads or something that she feels I need to read. 

These are only a few of the special things that I noticed Emily doing to become a great mom.  There are definitely more. 

The more and more Em and I talk about this little boy and how we want to raise him, the more we realize how much on the same page we really are.  That means a lot to me.  We both just want the best for him and we want to raise him right.  (and that means that he won't be a Husker, Gerry!!!  jk). 

In all seriousness, when this little boy is born he's starting out with a huge advantage in life:  He'll have a mom who has planned for this day for a long time and who will be the very best mom she can be.  I have no doubt. 

(And I'll try my best too.)