Monday, March 16, 2015


So right now the Dude thinks "toots" are hilarious.  Anytime he "lets one go".  He howls in laughter.  (He finds it even funnier if someone else does it.) 

But the most hilarious thing to note about this topic is his inevitable response when he is asked who tooted.  The following is a common conversation that we have and this particular conversation is an actual conversation we had last night while we were walking out of church:

Daddy:  "Owen, listen to this!!!!  (Toots audibly.)

Owen:  (laughs hysterically)

Mommy:  "Ewwwwww"

Daddy:  "Owen, was that you???  Did you toot?

Owen:  "No!" 

Daddy:  Who tooted? 

Owen:  "MOMMY!"

Currently, he loves to blame "toots" on Mommy despite it being very obvious that it either came from Daddy or Owen.  (Sometimes....Mommy.....but I don't want to embarrass her too much in this blog entry.)

We all crack up when he says "Mommy", so I'm sure he is doing it for some genius comedic effort.