Thursday, January 31, 2013


Have you ever heard of the expression "5-Alarm Fire" to denote the ferociousness of a particular fire?

Or a Chili that is extremely hot called "5-Alarm Chili"?

Well after Owen's morning nap was interrupted by a dirty diaper....I have come up with my own "rating system".  Today's diaper was a..............wait for it...................."5 baby wiper".  (In other words, it took 5 baby wipes to do an adequate clean up job".)

I won't actually post a picture of the "job" that Owen did.  (You're welcome.)  But it was incredible.  Since some of you will be very curious about it, I will describe it this way: 

It was a like a thicker, green pancake batter that you could spackle a house with.  Is that descriptive enough? 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Random Photos

These pics didn't warrant a post on their own merit, so here they are for your enjoyment as a group:

Still smiling....even when strapped into a car seat.

You can't ever have enough photos of your son in Buckeye gear.

The same goes for Browns gear

Mom & Son (Dad behind the camera......where he belongs).

Fake fraternity my college buddies made up & now Owen is a honorary member.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Feeding Himself

We started giving The Dude these little wafer things (called Mum Mums....seriously) to eat every once in a while.  They add some (much needed) calories to his diet as well as working on his ability to feed himself. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Grandma Nancy

Last weekend Emily's mother, Nancy, flew in to spend an extended weekend with us.  Here are a few pictures of her time with The Dude:

Grandma Nance & The Dude

Nance playing with The Dude

Loving his Grandma

Stretching with Grandma

Very Curious about what Grandma is doing

Getting The Dude to sit up

3 Smiling Faces at Brunch

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lipstick Already?

Yesterday, I picked up Owen from daycare and the lady  in charge told me that Owen scratched his cheek with his fingernails.  While this was a bigger scratch than I have seen on him, I wasn't surprised because this wasn't the first time he had scratched himself (or somebody else). 

He loves to use his hands right now, and while his fingernails are trimmed....they can still be fairly sharp.  He grabs something he sees (many times...someone's face) and just clenches it as tightly as he can.  I have been on the receiving end of this many times...and even had a scratch on my nose from it. 

Here is the  best picture that I could find that shows what I mean:

The funny part of the story was after I brought Owen home with the scratch on his cheek....I forgot to tell Em about the injury.  About a half an hour later, she came downstairs to where I was working and asked me, "What happened to Owen's cheek?"  I told her that he scratched himself at daycare.  She started laughing and told me that she spent the last few minutes trying to wipe it off because she thought that a girl at daycare kissed him and left lipstick on his cheek.

I HOPE it's still a little early to worry about girls chasing The Dude.

His 1st "lipstick mark"

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Onesie Says It All

I posted this on Facebook already and texted it to several people (including _ichigan fans), but I have to put it on this blog too.....just in case somebody hasn't seen it already. 

Do I need to say it? 

I love this onesie (not to mention The Dude wearing it).

Monday, January 21, 2013

Swim "Lessons"

Emily decided that The Dude needs swimming lessons this winter.  His 1st lesson was last Saturday, but this past Saturday Grandma Nancy and I decided to check out his progress and take a few pictures. 

Getting ready to jump in the pool

Holding onto the side of the pool to get warmed up

His 1st time going under the water. 
(He really liked it, even though this pic seems to show otherwise.)

Em threw the fish out so Owen would stretch and reach for it in the water. 
This pic shows what he did when he got the fish.

Water soaked Dude

Who is having more fun?  Em or The Dude?

Super Dude

Can't wait till next week

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

6 Month Pics (and more)

Here are The Dude's 6 month picture.  It turned out pretty good.  He seems very happy.....doesn't he.

The Picture we're "going with"

Well now you'll know......the rest of the story:

Here's Owen waiting on the cinematographer to get the right "look" of the scene
as well as the director to give him his "proper motivation".

Owen having a "discussion" with the wardrobe department regarding
his displeasure with some of their "creative decisions".

Right at this moment, Owen stated to the director, "It's me or them."
"I'll walk (or crawl...or just cry) if they don't leave the set."

I guess we know who won that argument...

Talent is too hard to come by.  He wins.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Baby Food Makers

Recently, Em & I bought the "Baby Bullet" baby food maker.  Em buys fresh produce or fruit and blends it up to a baby food consistency. 

So far, The Dude loves it.  Well, to be fair, after the 1st bite he takes (of anything) he makes a face like he just took a swig of motor oil.  But after that initial reaction he will eat it matter what it is.  (We really haven't tried motor oil yet.....don't call social services quite yet.)

Em has tried several different things in the Baby Bullet.  Some of which include:  peas, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, and just about anything else you can actually throw in that thing.  The most interesting thing that I've come to realize is the colors of the food we are cramming down our kid's throat.  Sometimes they aren't too appetizing to look at, but The Dude eats them he can't tell colors yet.

Check out these pics of The Dude we took of him yesterday.  Pay particular attention to the color of the food we are feeding him.  I'm not 100% sure what food we actually blended, but it is a very OSU color of gray (minus the scarlet).

Stop taking my picture and feed me already

Having fun eating

Big Bite

Half In & Half Out

Full & Happy

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Playing with the Musical Ball

Steps in playing with my musical ball:

Step 1:  Check out the ball

Step 2:  Reach for the ball

Step 3:  Repeat Steps 1 & 2 as many times as necessary

Step 4: (And I can't stress this enough) - Put EVERYTHING in your Mouth

Step 5:  Make sure Dad is watching you

Step 6:  Smile at Dad

Step 7:  Roll over and continue to play with ball

Step 8:  Do Steps 1-8 while sustaining cuteness

Sunday, January 6, 2013

5 Months (and 4 weeks)

We're a little late on taking Owen's 5 month photos.  They may look a tad similar to his 6 month pics (which we'll try to take a little closer to the actual event.