Sunday, April 28, 2013

Buckeye Tree for the Buckeye Bambino

It's official.  I'm crazy when it comes to my "Ohioness".

I ended up having a Buckeye Tree shipped to us so I could plant it for Owen.  I did it for a few reasons:

1) I thought it would be neat to have a tree planted that was the same age as Owen so they could grow together.  And if I was to plant a tree the only logical choice would be a Buckeye tree.

2) When we people asks me what a "buckeye" is, I can show them, the nut, the casing, and the tree that they come from.

3) To annoy my Wisconsin friends with the simple fact that I have permanently planted an "Ohio flag" of sorts in Wisconsin soil.

I just hope that I can develop some sort of green thumb.  I really don't want this thing to die.  I've got big plans for it.



  1. Darin-you need to talk lovingly to your tree!

    1. Nance,
      I might actually try that to keep this thing alive. :O)
