Sunday, June 2, 2013

Green Lake

Over Memorial Day weekend, we took an extended weekend to a resort at Green Lake, WI.  We had a great time, but I don't think our neighbors least while The Dude was trying to nap.

Owen was fantastic while we went to different restaurants, shopped, or went swimming at the hotel pool.  But when it came to his nap time....that was a different story.  That little guy usually feels tired and we take him to his room.  He sees his crib and he actually leans away from you toward his crib.  As soon as he hits his mattress, he is asleep in less than 30 seconds. 

That is not the same experience we had in Green Lake.  That little guy would get tired, we took him back to our room and with a make-shift baby monitor (Em called my cell from her cell and left her phone in the room so we could listen on my phone) we would listen to him cry....and cry.....and cry. 

Every nap was the same.  He eventually would wear himself out and go to sleep, but it took much more than normal. 

Anyway, here are a few pictures from our trip there:

Playing on the Jungle Gym
Getting ready to slide down the slide
Doesn't get much more fun than this...(for Emily)
In the Pool with Mom
So Tall
Similar Torture Techniques have been used at Guatanamo Bay

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