Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bribing to Walk

The Dude has basically pulled himself up and started standing as well as started to crawl in the same week.  He could've crawled for months now but he was perfectly content getting around doing the military crawl. 

So, he doesn't get stagnant and content in his new developments I started "bribing" him with Puffs to get him to start walking a little.  He loves it and is starting to pull himself up more on things...hoping that there is a Puff waiting for him when he gets his head over the ottoman.

I will stand him up beside something like the ottoman downstairs and I'll place a Puff out of his reach so he'll have to sidestep (or as we call it.....walk) to the Puff.  Then we'll place one the other way.  We'll give him a couple easy one now and then that he doesn't have to work for to keep him motivated.  Here are a couple of videos:

View from the Front
View from the Rear
View from both Front & Back
With a Little Coaching
He'll be walking in no time.

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