Saturday, June 8, 2013

Getting Past the Barrier

In our sunken living room, there is about a 6" little ledge (which is why it is a "sunken" living room) that used to make for a nice little barrier for Owen to play in.  He could play with his toys very peacefully there while I was in the kitchen and I knew he wasn't going to get very far. 

However last week, he started seeing that little ledge as his personal mission to conquer.  He would play for a little bit and inevitably turn around and try to get over that ledge. 

He sees his mission
Trying to get his legs under himself to push himself over
Not quite yet happened.  I was sitting on the loveseat watching him, and all of a sudden, he does the same thing as before...only he made it.  I couldn't get my camera phone fast enough.  I actually grabbed him and placed him back on the ground and hoped he'd do it again.
Got his legs under him
Pushing off
Easy as Pie


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