Sunday, March 20, 2016

Turning the Corner

We finally turned the corner with Ozzy being a difficult baby.....we think.  Now he has been taking the bottle really well, cries so much less, and plays by himself on the mat or in his swing very well.  He is such a chill boy now and it is such a difference from the first couple of months.  I used to be terrified of being home alone with him because if he was hungry he wouldn't take a bottle from me so he would cry (no exaggeration) for hours until Em got home to feed him the way he demanded.  All that is behind us.....hopefully.  (Although I think I'm still struggling with a mild form of PTSD from my trauma.  Here is a few pics of the new, chill Ozzy (with the exception of the first pic:

This is the look he gave us before the waterworks started


Chill at the Dr office

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