Friday, February 5, 2016

It Hasn't Been Easy

Ozzy isn't quite as "easy" of a baby as Owen was.  That isn't to say isn't a sweet baby or cute or anything.  He is amazing!  I only mean that he may have a little tummy issues that make him very uncomfortable after feedings that if you don't get burps or toots out....he is very uncomfortable.  This makes him very irritable and difficult to get him to rest.  

Today he is 7 weeks old and he was very good this evening.  He laid on his mat right beside me on the couch for about an hour just cooing and sucking on a pacifier (also a tool which we didn't use much with our 1st child).  I hope this is a "turn of the corner" for it is exhausting for Em & I to try to figure out what else we can do to help him.  

Here are a few pics of the little guy in his short time with us:

At least he is very cute

Finally sleeping

Emily was convinced he had jaundice...
until the yellow rubbed off on her cheek.

What are you looking at?

Pretty comfy pillow

Mom & Dad taking him out on a food tour

Resting on Dad again

Showing College pride

Take a pic quick before I freak out!!

Doing really well......7 weeks old

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