Monday, November 25, 2013

Professional Photos

A few months ago, we had a photo shoot as a family (mainly photos of Owen since I'm about as photogenic as Steve Buscemi pre-makeup). 

The photo shoot was not the best experience as Owen spent the day in his daycare....and probably got about half the amount of needed naps.  It was about an hour before his bedtime, so he was plenty tired and letting whoever that was in the sound of his voice know it. 

It is nothing short of a miracle that the photographer got as many pictures of him not crying as she did. 

I hadn't posted any of them before because we are using one of the pictures in our Christmas card (and I needed to know which one we would be using so as to not post that one prematurely). 

(Each time you look at a smiling picture of Owen in one of the following pictures, just also try to envision me and Em singing, smiling, dancing, doing O-H-I-O, and anything else short of standing on our heads to get him to stop crying and throw a hint of a smile towards the camera.)  This was the one time in my life I thought the photographer was underpaid (and that was prior to me seeing any photographs). 


This was the "happiest" expression we got from him on the bridge
This would've been a good picture if we had gotten ALL of the wood chips, he inexplicably shoveled into his mouth, out of his mouth before the shot was taken
For whatever reason, he was fine as long as we left him alone hanging out by a fence
This angelic face was screaming bloody murder a mere 2 minutes before this shot was taken
At one point, our photographer started taking pictures of Owen from behind.  My guess is because she ruined so many pictures that were of him screaming.
Most of the pics with just Em & Owen turned out great for the following reasons:  A) Owen likes to be held by his mom, and B) Dad isn't in the photo ruining it with his Lurch like quality
He might not be smiling, but if he wasn't screaming.....the photo was a keeper.
Doing the "H" in O-H-I-O
Part of me likes this background with the rocks, and
part of me is like "why is the kid playing on train tracks?"
Love this Dude....happy, sad, or screaming his head off

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