Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Larry, Mo, & The Dude

I realized what makes my son laugh uncontrollably as I was holding him and trying to put on my shoes.  I was standing on one foot (still holding him) and just started leaning one direction.  I ended up just catching myself (never in danger of actually falling) but that little jolt just cracked Owen up hysterically. 

I decided to see how far I could take this "fake injury" thing and pretended to fall and catch myself while holding him.  He just cracked up each and every time until he could barely keep his breathing up with his laughter. 

Then I just started saying words like "Ouch", "Ow", "Oooof", etc....with the same predictable result.  He loved it.

Maybe the 3 Stooges really is a "male type of comedy" after all.  I never watched the 3 Stooges with him, but maybe that needs to be on the agenda some day.  He just cracks up with that brand of humor. 

Here is a quick video that I took of me just saying "Ouch" and other such words and acting like I tripped or something.  He just loved it and couldn't stop laughing again. 

There is absolutely nothing better in the world than a little kid laughing.  You can't be in a bad mood afterwards.  Impossible.

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