Friday, May 17, 2013


Owen is obsessed with glasses.  Every time Em has her glasses on, Owen has to grab for them....which Em does not allow given the $$ the glasses are worth.

The other day, Em put his own glasses on his face and I rushed over to the mirror to show him what they looked like on his face (before he had a chance to rip them off). 

He took one look in the mirror and got a big smile on his face.  He loved them.  He didn't even rip them off his head when I put him in the car seat and took him for a ride for lunch. 

Here are a few pics:

Looking in the mirror when he first got the glasses on his face
In the car seat chillin' like a villain
Out on our deck enjoying a sunny day

1 comment:

  1. God, I love that kid. What a cool dude with such a great little personality! Bring him to UT!
