Sunday, May 12, 2013

Not Unbreakable

In the movie "Unbreakable", Bruce Willis was a lone survivor from a horrific train accident.  After that incident, his son wonders if his dad is a superhero because he has never been injured or sick. 

This week we found out that Owen is not a superhero as well. 

Up to this point, he hasn't had so much as a diaper rash.  (He had a couple runny noses and stuff like that, but it wasn't bad enough to change his behavior or anything like that.)  On Monday, while he was in Nebraska with Em visiting family, they took him to the doctor and discovered an ear infection.  That isn't the ideal prognosis for air travel for a little guy the next day. 

Grabbing his ear as the ear infection bothered him

We were giving him antibiotics all week, but by Friday he just didn't seem any better.  We took him to his pediatrician and he said that the antibiotics must have done their job with the ear infection, but he also had a pretty red, sore throat which was more than likely viral (which would not be helped by antibiotics).  No wonder he wasn't eating like his old self and not playing or smiling like we know he normally does. 

(And now he has a minor diaper rash.)

We are finally starting to see hints of his old self.  He is smiling more and more and he is starting to be able to play by himself again. 

Starting to feel more normal

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