Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Out on a Walk

From My Point of View
The Dude Loves Going on Walks
I'm pretty sure I wasn't strapped in for any walks when I was his age. 
I think I was just thrown in the back of a little red wagon. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Last Sunday, Emily had a 5K race at the Milwaukee Zoo.  The plan was for Owen and I to go to the zoo with her and walk around the zoo while she ran the race and then we all could enjoy the zoo together after the race.

The key to this plan working was for The Dude to get a nap while he was in the stroller and I walked him around during Em's race.

He didn't nap.

Not even close.

He is such a people person....that with so many people around, his eyes would dart everywhere taking everything in.  When Emily got done with the race, she changed clothes and we started going around the zoo.  We went to the reptile house and several of the outdoor exhibits still hoping that Owen would fall asleep. 


About 11:00 hit (he normally naps from 8:00 to around 10:00), and he went ballistic.  We just decided to leave the zoo to get him some sleep.  He was sleeping on my shoulder before we got to the exit.

Next time we will go to the zoo after his morning nap.

The Dude being held by someone wearing his Halloween costume in May -
"Old, Fat Man with Receding Hair Line"
Excited to be at the zoo (for now)...
Checking out the Beaded Lizard
Checking out the Rhinoceros Viper
The Dude loves the reptiles.  We are going to have to work with him about not trying to touch the animals.  

Friday, May 24, 2013

10 Months

The only way we could take these pictures (without him pulling off his "10 month" sticker" was for Emily to hold his hands.  Whenever we put that sticker on his chest he becomes obsessed with taking it off.  We had to act quickly.  Here are the results:

Attention diverted from "10 Months" sticker to a need to grab the camera

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Owen is in a sharing stage.  (I hope this one lasts a while.)  He loves to give you his long as you give them back to him. 

Would you like to play with this ring?
Checking out everything from "this" point of view
I can share my blocks from this angle too.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Owen is obsessed with glasses.  Every time Em has her glasses on, Owen has to grab for them....which Em does not allow given the $$ the glasses are worth.

The other day, Em put his own glasses on his face and I rushed over to the mirror to show him what they looked like on his face (before he had a chance to rip them off). 

He took one look in the mirror and got a big smile on his face.  He loved them.  He didn't even rip them off his head when I put him in the car seat and took him for a ride for lunch. 

Here are a few pics:

Looking in the mirror when he first got the glasses on his face
In the car seat chillin' like a villain
Out on our deck enjoying a sunny day

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mother's Day

Here are a few pics of Mother's Day this year:

Owen & Mom at brunch
Gotta love "hat head"

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Not Unbreakable

In the movie "Unbreakable", Bruce Willis was a lone survivor from a horrific train accident.  After that incident, his son wonders if his dad is a superhero because he has never been injured or sick. 

This week we found out that Owen is not a superhero as well. 

Up to this point, he hasn't had so much as a diaper rash.  (He had a couple runny noses and stuff like that, but it wasn't bad enough to change his behavior or anything like that.)  On Monday, while he was in Nebraska with Em visiting family, they took him to the doctor and discovered an ear infection.  That isn't the ideal prognosis for air travel for a little guy the next day. 

Grabbing his ear as the ear infection bothered him

We were giving him antibiotics all week, but by Friday he just didn't seem any better.  We took him to his pediatrician and he said that the antibiotics must have done their job with the ear infection, but he also had a pretty red, sore throat which was more than likely viral (which would not be helped by antibiotics).  No wonder he wasn't eating like his old self and not playing or smiling like we know he normally does. 

(And now he has a minor diaper rash.)

We are finally starting to see hints of his old self.  He is smiling more and more and he is starting to be able to play by himself again. 

Starting to feel more normal

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Why Didn't I Think of That?

Now this is ingenuity in its highest form:

And some of you thought I was evil for putting Owen in an open cardboard box to play.