Thursday, July 12, 2012

Friday the 13th

10 days or less.

Owen will be born in 10 days or less.

Emily went to the doctor yesterday, and her doctor told her that they would meet again on Monday the 16th, and if things haven't progressed more by that point she would schedule a day to induce.  The induction would take place sometime that week.  So the little guy won't stay in there forever.  (Although it's starting to feel that way.)  He will be born sometime in the next 10 days.  (July 12th - July 21st).

While we passed by the largest obstacle, in terms of birthdays (having him born on his mother's birthday), there are still a few days that would carry meaning if he were born on them.

July 15th is Emily's father's birthday.  When we were texting last week, he predicted that Owen would be born on his birthday.  And if Owen were born on his birthday, I'm sure that would have a lot of meaning for the family.

But my prediction weeks ago was that he would be born on Friday the 13th.  Now that isn't an omen, of sorts, that Emily will have a rough delivery.  (I would never wish that on anyone.)  It doesn't look like he will be born on that day, but there's a chance. 

Maybe I just make that prediction to tease Emily (because she hates scary movies), or maybe it's because secretly I'm hoping for a buddy to watch scary movies with me (when he's much older, obviously).  But the fact remains, that if he is born on Friday the 13th, I reserve the right to change his name to one of the following:




OK, maybe not the last one.

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