Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What To Expect When You Are Expecting (Part 1)

It was absolutely inevitable.  

As soon as Em heard that they were turning the book "What To Expect When You Are Expecting" into a movie, it was a given that we would be seeing it.  We saw it tonight.  

I have so many observations from this movie that this post will at least be a 2-parter.....if not more.  

For starters, here was the expression on Emily's face for at least 95% of the movie:

In contrast, here was my look for 100% of the movie:

I'm not saying that the movie was terrible, but I'm also not saying that this movie should reserve seats at the Oscars.  They shouldn't. 

I get why this movie is popular with females.  I really do.  But I have so many other questions that need to be asked.

For example:  When a child is born (or maybe even when their wife is pregnant), do men automatically stop being manly?  Does being a good dad require being a passive "yes" man?  If Hollywood's examples in this movie has any say to it, then the answer is a resounding yes. 

Your "manly" options in this movie include, A) a man who allows his wife to buy all new baby items, a new house, and a trip to Africa to adopt a baby, despite the fact she just lost her job and they can't afford it, B) a man who plays 2nd fiddle to both his legendary, retired NASCAR driver father AND his wife, or C) a group of men who meet every Saturday to walk their kids who take this weekly opportunity to be honest with their feelings because they fear the retribution they will receive if they were to tell their wives the truth of how they feel.

Was it funny?  Sure.  But in a sad sort of way.....at least to me.

(To be honest, the movie was ok.  I just like to overly disect these types of movies to annoy people.) 

Just wait for Part 2 of this blog entry.......

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! I love those facial expressions!! That WAS totally 'sugs' face! I know it!!
