Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Baby Room Decorations

I haven't forgot.  I still am going to be posting pictures of the baby room.  However, we have hit a snag (and then another snag). 

We received the original shipment of our baby furniture over a month ago.  I put the crib and the changing table together, but we noticed that the dresser was damaged.  We contacted the supplier and they agreed to replace the dresser.  The people came with the new dresser, and to pick up the old dresser this past Monday.  The bad news:  the new dresser was more damaged than the old dresser.  We are now waiting for dresser #3. 

In the meantime, I thought I would share with you some of the wall art that Em put up in the baby room.  (You can also see the lovely paint job that I did on the baby room walls, however my painting skills are not the true hero of the picture here.  It definitely gets overshadowed by Em's work.)

Let me know what you think (as long as it's positive). 

(OK, I put up the shelves too, but everything else was Em.)