Friday, January 6, 2012

Big Surprise!

One of the most popular questions we have been getting is "Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?"  The answer to that questions is Yes. 
The inevitable question that comes directly after that (from the person who would never find out early) is, "Don't you want to be surprised?"
I'm never rude when I answer that person, but I have to shake my head (to myself) in amazement.  Surprised?  Really?  Isn't it still only 2 options?  Girl or Boy?  I want to ask them in a very sarcastic way, "Have you ever flipped a coin and was SHOCKED by the outcome?"  Have you flipped a coin and heads came up and wondered aloud, "What kind of voodoo quarter is this?" 

Actually there are several reasons why we want to find out the sex:

1) Planning for baby room
2) Planning for baby toys/clothes/etc...
3) Deciding on names
and most importantly....
4) Em just doesn't have the patience for that.  (jk)


  1. I support finding out all day. Something we did was have the ultrasound tech write it down in a concealed envelope. We then went out to a nice dinner and opened it up. We found this more romantic than when Amy had jelly on her belly.

  2. Auntie needs to start's a must to find out;)
