Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bloody Nose

Things can change from happy to concerned in less than a second. 

There we the mancave......father and son, just playing.  He would crawl away from me and I would crawl to him and dig my nose in his belly making him laugh hysterically.  We did that for a while when I just rolled over and played dead on my back.  He got up and walked around our (very large) ottoman laughing the entire way.  He was behind the ottoman for a while going from one side to the other peeking out at me to see if I was still on my back....playing dead. 

Finally, he emerges from behind the ottoman in a full out sprint (at least a sprint for the Dude).  Then, with no warning he falls down on my face....with his face. 

Immediately, he stops laughing.

Then he rolls off of me......silently.

He doesn't cry.  But I get up to check him out.  He whimpers two times....and I pick him up.  As soon as I did, I see drops of blood fall from his nose. 

He seems to be ok, and I think he was more bothered by me trying to clean his face off then the pain he must've experienced from the fall. 

The Evidence
I'm so glad he is ok and I know this won't be the last time that he gets injured, but I can't imagine it getting easier to see him hurt.  

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