Saturday, August 24, 2013

Daddy / Dude Day at the Zoo

I took Owen to the zoo to see if he would be more interested in the animals than the last time we went. 

He did very good.  We only stayed a couple hours since we needed to get  him back for a nap and it started to downpour. 

(Sorry the pictures aren't great.  I had to hold him the entire time.   And to try to take a picture of Owen while he is in your arms - while not getting myself in the picture - and still getting the background of animals...was a challenge.)

Polar Bear
The elephants came up very close which he was impressed with
Both elephants were right up to the edge of their confinement
An employee pulled us out of the crowd so Owen could touch different skins and things from different animals.  This is elephant skin. 
Giraffe Hoof
(other skins he felt include: koala, zebra, wild pig, and giraffe)
Carousel Ride
Showing off his shark tooth necklace souvenir with his name on it
He loves his shark teeth

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