Monday, June 25, 2012

37 Weeks

I haven't posted about this website in a while, but that doesn't mean that I wasn't annoyed by the comparisons.  In the last several weeks, our baby boy has been compared in size & weight to the following items:

-Crenshaw Melon - (I have no idea what that is.)
-Pineapple - (Does any woman want to think of having to deliver a pineapple?  That even hurts me when I think about it.)
-4 oranges - (That's right.  They couldn't come up with anything that weighs the same as our baby at that week, so some genius decided to just add as many oranges as possible to come up with the desired weight.  How weak is that?)

This week our baby is compared to the length of......wait for it.........a stalk of Swiss Chard.  Seriously, these people need to be fired.  Has anyone purchased swiss chard before?  Are there other countries that export this delicacy besides Switzerland?  Is there a Mongolian Chard?  Or a Bolivian Chard?  I think those would be more interesting that Swiss Chard, but who am I to have an opinion.  I thought that Switzerland was only known for clocks, chocolate, watches, and the Alps.   We'll have to add Chard to that list.

"A Little Over 19 Inches"


  1. So true on us not wanting to think about delivering a pineapple, or any type of produce for that matter. Watermelon is the worst comparison by far. I'm just going to focus on the end result..little OAR:). Oh, and being able to see my feet, eat deli meat, wear normal clothes, etc...

  2. The watermelon comparison is yet to come....but it is coming. I think pumpkin is the last one.
