Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New Bath Tub

Owen tried out his new bathtub (given to him from his Aunt Leah & Uncle Bill) the other day.  He outgrew his 1st one.  He loves this one quite a bit, but to be fair he loves bath time nearly all the time. 

Friday, February 22, 2013


The Dude is fairly fearless for his age.  I caught this moment on video, but it wasn't actually that hard because he kept doing it over and over.  (If Em had seen it she probably would have made him put on a helmet.) 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Not Always Smiley

Often I get people to comment about Owen and how smiley he always is in the pictures that I post.  I hear, "Owen is such a smiley little boy.", or " Does that little guy ever not smile?".  Well I assure you....he does have other expressions besides smiley. 

It took a while, but I finally caught him in a different "mood" than happy.  And so, for your amusement (and to prove that I can post pics of him that aren't smiley) here is Owen's other expression:


Sunday, February 17, 2013


I caught The Dude staring at his reflection in the mirror that is attached to his "jumpy play toy thing".  I jumped up and started taking pictures of it as soon as I discovered him doing it. 

They aren't the greatest pictures but I didn't want to wait to make sure the light was right, his hair was combed, etc...because who knows how long his attention will stay on any 1 thing.

Infatuated with his Reflection

Having a snack while he figures out this "dude staring back at me"

The flash of my camera phone got me busted by The Dude

But he went right back to his Reflection

Cute Squared

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Who Taught Him That?

So many sounds coming from The Dude.  I love how he tries to communicate with us with his squeals and giggles (and crying....but that's nothing new).  But more recently it is almost like he is experimenting with different sounds. 

I was videoing him recently trying to catch him as he was on all 4's rocking, (He is pretty close to taking his first "steps" as a crawler.) and I caught him making this sound:

And here is a video of him going from nearly comatose (jk) to up on all 4's....and back down to his belly. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Eating By Myself

He can't handle a spoon quite yet (although he thinks he can), he is mastering the eating of the little wafer type things we buy him.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dude and the Fat Man

Somehow Emily talked me into being the person to go in the pool with The Dude for his latest swimming lesson. 
(Sorry in advance for having to look at me in these pics.  Try to ignore that fact.)

The Dude trying his best to ignore the fact that it's Dad in the pool with him

Reaching for the edge of the pool

Trying on a life vest for the 1st time

Making sure the vest is good and snug

Ignore the one on the right

Mastering the back float

Having fun in the raft

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Growler

For a while now, Owen has been making different sounds in an effort to communicate somehow.  One of my favorite ones is his little growl.  I'm not sure where he got it from, but it's cute nonetheless.  There are times when I think to myself that we have a little Eddie Munster on our hands (sorry for the old reference).

I've tried to get his little growl on video so we would never forget what it sounded like when he gets older.  I've tried on numerous occassions to get the my cell phone to video mode when he was doing it and inevitably he stopped as soon as I was ready to start shooting. 

Well, I finally got him to do it in front of the camera today.  It isn't the best he's done, but you can get the idea. 

So without further delay......I give you.....The Growler:

(Pay no attention to the ugly dude at the end of the video.)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Lollacup a Success!

For those of you that made fun of me for spending $18 for a sippy cup (OK, I bought 2 of them.), check this picture out.  At 6 1/2 months, he is using his sippy cup like a champ. 

Totally Worth It